What are Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms

​​Magic mushrooms (also called shrooms or mushrooms). Are a type of mushroom that contain the chemicals psilocybin or psilocin. These chemicals cause you to see, hear, and feel things that are not real (hallucinations). What are Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms come in fresh, dried, or powder form. Powdered psilocybin can be inhaled (snorted) or injected (with a needle). Magic mushrooms are also taken as a tea, cooked with food, or added to fruit juice.

A person can take psilocybin by being in a research study. Or getting special permission from Health US with the support of their doctor. Otherwise, it is illegal to grow, sell, or carry magic mushrooms in the US. ​

Short-term effects

Magic mushrooms affect everyone differently depending on:

You can feel the effects of mushrooms about 30 minutes after taking them. The effects last about 3 to 6 hours and are strongest (the peak) during the first 3 to 4 hours.

Mushrooms can change the way you see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. For example you might think you can see music or hear colours. Your body might feel very heavy or very light. You might feel like you are having a magical or religious experience.

While taking magic mushrooms, you might also:​

Long-term effects

The long-term effects of magic mushrooms may include flashbacks. This is when a bad trip comes back later when you are not using.

Taking mushrooms with other drugs or alcohol. May put you at higher risk ​for other health problems.​

Tolerance and dependence

You can build up a tolerance to magic mushrooms after using every day for as few as 3 or 4 days. This means you need to take more and more to feel the same effects as the first time.

If you use mushrooms for several days in a row, you can develop a complete tolerance. ​

If you use mushrooms, you can become mentally dependent on the way they make you feel.

Bad trip

The effects of mushrooms can be overwhelming and scary, called a bad trip. If someone is having a bad trip, try to help them with calm reassurance in a quiet area. It is OK to call 911 for help and the Poison and Drug Information Service for advice at 1-800-332-1414.

If you’re concerned about your or someone else’s magic mushroom use. Or you want to learn more about substance use, call the Addiction and Mental Health Helpline. Any time of the day or night, at +1 (408) 461-7871 (California only).​

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